Tribute Giving Opportunities
Looking for a special way to honor or remember a loved one, special friend, or pet? Consider sponsoring a brick or bench in Corning's Gaffer District.
Your chosen item will be seen by thousands of locals and visitors each year and enjoyed daily by those who frequent our vibrant, historic, and charming downtown.
It's also a great way to help support our downtown, as all proceeds go directly to the physical upkeep of Centerway Square and the continued enhancement of the Gaffer District.
Your continued support of these programs is very much appreciated!
All wording on tribute items should be family friendly and is subject to size limitations and review and acceptance by Gaffer District staff.
Corning's Gaffer District invites you to participate in a beautiful commemorative opportunity. Personalized, engraved bricks are a great way to honor or remember a special person, family member, or group; commemorate a special occasion; or feature your business or organization. Your individualized brick will be engraved with your selected name or phrase and will become a lasting tribute, paving the way for generations to come. Purchased bricks are interspersed among other brick pavers in Centerway Square.
There are various Levels of Sponsorship depending on the size of brick chosen.
Specific details can be found on the order sheet.
Download the Buy-A-Brick order form and follow the instructions on the form.
Brick orders are accepted on a year-round, continuous basis; and may take up to 4-6 weeks to process, depending on the order size. Installation is weather dependent and may be delayed during winter months.
If you are looking for a specific memorial brick, you can start your search by clicking the link here. This will open a directory of current bricks in a separate tab. Once the PDF is open, you can use the advanced PDF search option by pressing SHIFT + CTRL + F and entering the name you are searching for in the search box. Once you have found the location of the brick, you can locate it on the Centerway Brick Map here.
Benches of various types are spread throughout Corning's Gaffer District. They provide a place for rest and reflection in various locations. They also provide a wonderful way to honor that special person, business or group in your life.
Locations include Bridge Street, Market Street, Centerway Square and Centerway Bridge (other areas, such as Riverfront Park are not included). Specific location is subject to availability and is not guaranteed.
For complete information and cost, click here for the order form.
How about a little piano music? That's what we thought for years and finally in 2022, we made it happen with our first street piano in Centerway Square. It was a hit from the first minute. Young and old alike have gathered at and around our colorful piano to share their talents or just plink a few keys.
As we move forward with this program, we need sponsors to keep the music flowing. Opportunities for your involvement include donation of a piano as well as money donations to help with the piano's upkeep and tuning.
For more information, call 607-937-6292 or email
Don't see what you're looking for here? Have a unique idea for a tribute? We're always open for ideas and discussions. Call our office at 607-937-6292 or email us at Maybe we can start something special together!